
This lab is all about computer programming
- my first of many life-long interests.

Since I've been coding for 40+ years, from punch cards to Virtual Reality, you can imagine the millions of lines of code that I've written. Fortran, Applesoft BASIC, 6502 Assembly, 80x86 Assembly, Pascal, C/C++/C#, Java, WPF/Silverlight, T-SQL ... and now, with most apps being online and mobile, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, PHP, AngularJS, Android, ...

I was a math and science nerd in high school and college so my programming tended toward scientific applications - such as this Audio Spectrogram and Function Grapher.

Currently, I beleive I have at least a couple of decent ideas for apps that could be very profitable. Check out my Current Projects in the menu at the top-right of your screen.