I've had a fascination with numbers and math since grade school. My first calculator was

actually TI's first calculator - the TI2500. It didn't have a square root key but I
found by repeating a
sequence of operations
I could generate square roots. I had no idea it was my first "algorithm".
What a nerd :|

This led to a "programmable" calculator - the TI-59.
It could remember a vast number of keystrokes and even had a magnetic card reader.
I even wrote a golf game with this calculator using graph paper with hills,
trees and sand traps.

And so began my life-long connection with programming. Of course
I had to have one of the original Apple ][ computers when they came out. I learned
Applesoft BASIC and Motorola 6502 machine language programming. I was hooked!

But in high school I also took an interest in wood working, high-end audio
big speakers, motor controlled telescopes, physics and astronomy,
skate boarding, gymnastics, racquetball and the drums.

Several of my term papers were on static and rotating black holes and worm holes.
I studied the works of Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne - even gave a lecture on stellar evolution.

I studied acoustics and speaker crossover theory, newtonian reflectors and
equatorial telescope mounts. So throughout my college days, and to this day,
I was already juggling too many interests. Just not enough time to do everything

I wanted to try. I built a few 8" telescopes - and lots of speakers for friends
and even installed their car audio systems. My dream was to eventually have
multiple labs, one for each of my "mad scientist" projects.
My working days started as a programmer for a few companies and even landed some nice
contractor jobs with
IBM and other tech companies. In 1990 I was formally trained in

C++ object-oriented programming by
IBM (very rare for a contractor). I was
part of the EduQuest team in Boca Raton, FL and even wrote a Graphical Windowing System
in pure DOS. I also worked on their OS2/Warp Operating System and OpenDoc project.
But after a few years I was getting the itch to do something else. I was too
much of an entrepreneur to spend the rest of my life in a cubicle/office.

So in 1996 I opened a home theater speaker shop in Davie, FL.
I designed and built hundreds of systems with far better quality than any
store-bought systems. But I still kept my hand in learning new software

technologies such as Microsoft's .NET platform, C#, XAML, WPF/Silverlight, WCF,
WinForms and SQL Server. I wrote at least a dozen websites while at the shop.
And even built a large telescope.
Hurricane Wilma
ended my fun at the shop and sent me back to my software roots. Which may have been

a good thing because on my next job at
GBI Sorters I learned
about industrial automation and conveyor systems, single board micro PC's and embedded

development. I wrote my best software at
GBI and, in fact, re-wrote their
legacy application to operate and control their sortation machines. I also wrote

from scratch a conveyor system design and control application, which they had always
outsourced. I was at
GBI for nearly four years - until they fell into
financial difficulty and had to layoff all their engineers, including me.

But now I had the tools to think about robotics and CNC tables. So
these days I'm concentrating on a robot arm with grand plans toward a "Builder Bot" and
a CNC table that combines both a table saw and router table - the "Maker Table".
I still multitask between projects from my other interests (labs).
And yes, I regard having to eat and sleep as interruptions :)
Check out the
Labs Section.
Each Lab has some of my projects that have kept me out of trouble :).
If interested, here is my
Online Portfolio.
--Bill Daniels